Barista Training

Individual Training

A hands on training on all aspects of specialty coffee. From opening a café to managing one or even making coffee at home, we can work one on one to enhance your skills & understanding.

New & Current Employee Training

The baristas are the heart & soul of your business. Inconsistencies, lack of understanding & mediocre customer service will take away from offering a superior guest experience. Initial training for a new business or a brush up will promote individual & group development. This leads to a happy crew & inevitably, happy guests.

Barista Group Party

This is a general understanding of specialty coffee. We work together to make it interactive and fun with hands-on practice. Depending on your requests, we encourage experimenting with new recipes and ideas as we all interact together.

Initial meeting to discuss all aspects & determine where the most assistance will be needed.

Menu development and pricing

Recommendations for equipment & products

Contact referrals relevant to projects

On site staff training

Catered Events

About Helen

Helen has worked in the service industry since she was 10 years old, when she would spend  her Saturdays helping out at her dad’s restaurant. There she realized the value of building  honest and lasting relationships with customers through a practice of flexibility and patience.  She also learned to share tips, to clean her station and working with family prepares you for any  work environment! This is also where she was schooled in the importance of being diligent and  efficient [later dubbed “factoria”].  

When Helen “grew up”, she turned to the corporate world, where she eventually confirmed that  there was more to work than RRSPs and vacation days. While the stability of a 9-5 was nice,  she knew she was meant to be doing something to make people happy.  

That happiness would come from coffee [especially the first one of the day] and Helen knew  how to extract that joy with the perfect shot of espresso and just the right amount of  conversation. 

She developed her own philosophy on service [ and life!], which is sought out by  many caffeine lovers.   

In the years that followed, Helen poured herself into learning everything there is to know about  the ever-changing and diverse world of coffee and all of its accouterments [ from alternative  milks to natural sugars to the dozens of ways to brew a cup of coffee] While she’s been keeping  up with the trends [and even starting a few], she has collected a wealth of knowledge and  expertise.  

She has become a go-to source for advice on everything from choosing a blend to buying a  machine to starting a coffee shop. She has an understanding that everyone has their own,  specific, best cup of coffee and her specialty is to help you find yours.